Current Members
(by voice part, and year joined) • Jim Hershberger, first tenor, 2015 • Phil Kniss, first tenor, 2001 • Robert Maust, second tenor, 1999 • Jeremy Nafziger, second tenor, 2014 • Kirk Shank Zehr, baritone, 2019 • David Clymer, baritone, 2017 • Brandon Chupp, bass, 2021 • Don Bomberger, bass, 2001
Cantore dates its founding to late 2001, but it had an predecessor--a men's quartet begun in 1999 that dubbed itself "The What Four." In 2001 it doubled to eight voices, and renamed itself "Cantore," a variant on the Latin for "singers." Later, the group expanded to ten, and remained that size for many years. Recently, Cantore returned to an octet size of eight. While only one of the original 1999 quartet remains (Robert Maust), two other current members are original Cantore members (Don Bomberger and Phil Kniss). Others in the group have come and gone as life circumstances and time demands changed. The group celebrated its past in a special reunion concert in fall 2017, which brought back 10 former members, and about half the concert had 20 men on stage.
FORMER MEMBERS (hover or click on picture for name and info)